Administrative Staff with Student

Classified Senior Administrative Positions

Within the Los Angeles Community College District, individuals assigned to the following job classifications have been designated by the Personnel Commission as “Senior Classified Administrative Employees” in accordance with the provisions of Section 88091 of the California Education Code:

  • General Counsel
  • Vice Chancellor/Chief Facilities Executive
  • Vice Chancellor/Chief Financial Officer
  • Vice Chancellor/Chief Information Officer
  • Vice Chancellor of Human Resources
  • Vice President, Administrative Services

A "Senior Classified Administrative Employee" is a classified employee who acts as the chief business, fiscal, facilities, or information technology advisor or administrator for the district chancellor or a college president.

Service in a senior classified administrative position is different from other classified positions in the following ways:

  1. Individuals who are found qualified for the position are placed on an unranked eligibility list in alphabetical order. The hiring authority may select anyone on the list.
  2. A person employed in a senior classified administrative position is afforded all of the rights, benefits, and burdens of any other classified employee serving in the regular service of the district, except that they shall not attain permanent status in that administrative position.
  3. If a senior classified administrative position is abolished, or the District elects not to continue the employment of a classified administrative employee, the employee shall be given written notice thereof by the District at least 60 days in advance of their release from employment.
  4. Any person whose services in a senior classified administrative position are discontinued for any reason other than for cause as specified in the Education Code or in a Personnel Commission rule shall have the right to return to a position in a classification they previously occupied or, if that classification no longer exists, in a similar classification, as determined by the Personnel Commission.

Questions regarding service in a senior classified administrative position should be addressed to the Personnel Commission Office at @email.