Administrative Analyst
HR - Academic Recruitment Unit - LACCD
*Note: Directory data is from SAP. Please contact your college Personnel Office or ESC HR for updates.
For more info, visit the Directory section of our "College CMS Training Guides" on the Employee Intranet.
Data last updated: 08/20/2024
Administrative Analyst
HR - Academic Recruitment Unit - LACCD
WEB Designer
IT - Systems and Programming - LACCD
Human Resources Assistant
HR - Assignment & Admin Services - LACCD
Supervising Software Systems Engineer
IT - Software Systems Engineering - LACCD
Accounting Technician
A & D - Accounts Payable - LACCD
ERP Functional Business Analyst (SI)
IT - Systems and Programming - LACCD
SFP-Program Specialist
EPIE - Student Success - LACCD
Senior Human Resources Technician
HR - Entry Services Unit - LACCD
Administrative Intern (Conf)
District Operations - LACCD
Legislative & Governmental Rel. Officer
Office of the Chancellor's Admin Officer - LACCD
A & D - Accounting - LACCD
Division Operations Specialist
Information Technology (IT) - LACCD
Software Systems Engineer
IT - Software Systems Engineering - LACCD
SAP ABAP Programmer
Employee Health and Wellness Specialist
HR - Health Benefits - LACCD
Assistant Financial Analyst
Budget & Management Analysis - LACCD
Executive Assistant
Educ. Prog. & Inst. Effect. (EPIE) - LACCD
Team Leader, App. Develop. & Programming
IT - Systems and Programming - LACCD
ERP Team Leader (Student Systems)
IT - Systems and Programming - LACCD
Computer Operations Supervisor
IT - Software Systems Engineering - LACCD
ERP Functional Business Analyst (SI)
IT - Systems and Programming - LACCD
Team Leader, SAP ABAP Programming
IT - Systems and Programming - LACCD
A & D - Accounting - LACCD
Consulting Instructor (SFP)
EPIE - Student Success - LACCD