Follow The Dream

Los Angeles Community College Transfer Students.
Find out what it takes to transfer to a Historically Black College or University.

African American Outreach Initiative Logo

Contact Us


E-mail: @email

CSSO Campus Representatives

Trudy Walton
Executive Vice President, Student Services
Southwest College
E-mail: @email

Community Ambassadors

Dr. Mark Henderson
Instructional Technology Manager
Phone: (818) 610-6551
E-mail: @email


Dr. Ayesha Randall, Chair
Associate Professor, Education
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
Interim Vice President, LACCD BFSA
Phone: (323) 763-3739
E-mail: @email

HBCU Articulation Agreement Committee

Murrell Green, Chair
Phone: (310) 287-4429
E-mail: @email


Beth Evans
Professor, Child Development
Phone: (310) 287-4446
E-mail: @email

Glenn Schenk
Financial Aid Manager
Phone: (310) 287-4275
E-mail: @email

Linda Cole
Director GAIN/CalWORKs
Phone: (213) 763-7113
E-mail: @email

Michael Hopper
GAIN/CalWORKs Counselor
Phone: (213) 763-7115
E-mail: @email

Patty Banday
Matriculation Coordinator
Phone: (310) 287-4462
E-mail: @email