About Our Meetings

Personnel Commission meetings are typically held twice per month. Meetings are held in a hybrid format and can be attended via Zoom or in-person at the Educational Services Center (District Office). Before attending a meeting, it is advisable to confirm the date, time, and location by using this website or contacting the Personnel Commission staff at PersComm@Laccd.edu.​

Meetings include both open sessions where public action items are considered and closed sessions during which the Personnel Commission considers confidential matters such as disciplinary actions, employment of personnel, and examination appeals. The meeting agenda is available at least 72 hours in advance of a meeting and contains a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting.

Individuals wishing to address the Personnel Commission on items appearing on the agenda are welcome to attend the open meeting. Attendance during closed session is by invitation only.

During each meeting, the Personnel Commission provides time for speakers who wish to address non-agenda items. When an individual wishes to bring a non-agenda item to the attention of the Commissioners, it is helpful to contact the staff office in advance. In some instances, the staff may be able to provide the needed assistance. If not, they will be able to ensure that the Commissioners have information or materials they may need for the discussion at the meeting. The Personnel Commission cannot take action on non-agenda matters. If action is required, the matter will be put on a future Order of Business.

Parking for attendees at Personnel Commission meetings is extremely limited. Inquiries regarding parking should be made by contacting the Personnel Commission staff.​​​​​​