District Discipline Committee

District discipline committees provide opportunities for faculty representatives from the nine colleges to discuss issues of concern in their respective disciplines, as well as to contribute to the District curriculum and equivalency processes. 

Name Title Contact
Angela C. Echeverri Academic Senate Officer (213) 891-2294
Anna Nicholas Academic Senate Officer (213) 891-2434
Elizabeth Atondo Counselor Adjunct (W/Pat. F/S) (818) 421-0969
Eloise Crippens Instructor Special Assignment Adjunct (213) 891-2296

In accordance with Administrative Procedure AP 4020 Curriculum Development, discipline committees make recommendations to the District Curriculum Committee for any alignment of new subjects within disciplines (minimum qualification area) as part of the subject approval process.

In addition to their curricular contributions, District discipline committees review equivalency applications, as well as the LACCD Alternate Degree Titles List and provide recommendations to the District Equivalency Committee regarding both, the equivalency applications, and the updated alternate titles to assist in determining minimum qualifications for new faculty.  They also provide recommendations to the District Academic Senate regarding discipline-specific criteria for equivalency (see Administrative Procedure AP 7211 Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies).

A district discipline committee is a formally organized and recognized committee of faculty members teaching in a specific discipline or set of related disciplines taught in District. Each college offering courses in that discipline shall have one faculty member teaching in the discipline to represent the college on the district discipline committee. Each member shall be elected by campus discipline colleagues and shall be approved by the local senate who will, in turn, notify the chair of the existing discipline committee and the DAS office of the election of a member or of any changes in the membership. Chairs of departments or divisions are ineligible to serve as committee representatives from a campus unless they are also a teaching faculty member in the discipline in question.
Source: Structure and Functions of District Discipline Committees

District Discipline Committee Documents